Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Tomorrow is the last day of the school year. YAY.

There was this student who came to school today in clothes that I am pretty sure she had to have someone else help her into. There was not a thing to be left to the imagination. And god knows no one needs to imagine that. I kept thinking, "how do you make pants into tights." Seriously??

Another year down.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


How long has it been? Yeesh.... I know I have been busy, but really?

I was thinking about Noah and his tantrums tonight. Its really a pretty amazing piece of work. He does this controlled lay down and fit. God forbid that he hurt himself in the process of a tantrum. I guess I always had the idea that when toddlers throw fits, it is this bit of uncontrolled rage. Now I know better. True, he is mad, but there is a purpose to the fit (even if I don't get it). It is so hard not to laugh at him.