Thursday, April 8, 2010


I have never seriously thought about walking away from teaching; until today. I seem to have offended the district on a level that they want to suspend me for 5 days without pay. Really? Did I smack a kid? Call them stupid? Am I am bad teacher? How about coming in late everyday? Nope. I yelled a a secretary. After she called me a liar in front of my peers. Over a question I had asked about my time card.

None of this makes a single bit of sense to me. People say ride it out.. it doesn't make sense. Nothing in the district does. It will all blow over. Well it hasn't and it won't and now I am not sure I can bring myself to walk back in that building.

Its not overly about the money. Although it is about a 2% of my pay fine. Its actually more about the fact that I have watched teachers be rude and mean to students, to other staff, to the out of the classroom staff and just about everyone they come in contact with. I know an aide who was stalking and threatening a teacher and nothing came of it; except a "you need to be nicer" I am truly and deeply confused. I had a bad day, yelled, went and apologized and accepted responsibility. And this is what happens? I am treated worse than the student who brings drugs to school. Who assaults a teacher or another student? Really.

I quit. Even if its just caring. I quit.

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