Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mental Health

I have been wondering about my mental health lately.. do I have any left? Or have I completely lost my mind? Is that possible? I found myself driving to work this morning in tears. Why? I'm not sure. I seemed happy, or was it sad? In a nutshell, that is the problem these days. I don't know which I am. I feel very blessed to have 1&2 in my life. How lucky we have all been over this past 8 months. All of us are still here, Kat and I are still employed, we have a place to live and health insurance. We have families who love us (ok, they love the kids more) and overall, I have nothing to crab, crank and grump about. Then why do I feel like a schizophrenic manic depressive?

PARENT LESSON #1 - it is possible to be the happiest and saddest you could ever be in the exact same moment.
PARENT LESSON #2 - Thing 2 is untrustworthy-- keep the bits covered.

1 comment:

badmommy said...

You're no more moodswingy than Thing 2 who goes from laughing to crying and back again.