Friday, April 18, 2008


I can no longer stand to even see , much less speak to, my 5th period. The 8th graders are so pathetic that it makes me nauseous. They literally make me want to throw up. As a whole, they are just pathetic. I can't even begin to handle it. The fact that I am tired and crabby isn't helped by the fact that they won't do shit. I mean NOTHING. Oh, but the wonderful little darlings are HERE... WHY CAN"t they just not come? I mean really....

In fact, I think I am going to suspend 2 of them from class for the next 2 days and then will do it again on Wed. I will have stuff for them to do. I just can't even stand the sight of them. I am on the verge of losing it. Which is a bad thing. I feel it welling up in my system and it makes me want to just throttle someone.

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